Terms and Conditions


Thank you for visiting wwhr.net Please read these terms and conditions carefully before you start to use the Web Site for purchasing any products, or services through our web site. By accessing and using this Web Site, you indicate that you accept (unconditionally and irrevocably) these terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) and are legally bound by these terms. The terms “we”, “us” and “our” refer to Worldwide Hotel Reservations. The term “you” and “ Your” refers to the customer visiting our web site, booking a reservation through us or otherwise using our services. If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, please refrain from using our Web Site and exit immediately.

Please also make sure that you have read and accept our Privacy Policy.

What we provide you:

The Web Site is owned and operated by Worldwide Hotel Reservations Company (referred to in these terms and conditions as “Worldwide Hotel Reservations” whose principal office is at Fahad Al Salem Street, Opposite Municipal Park, P. O. Box 3718, Safat 13038, Kuwait City, Kuwait.

Worldwide Hotel Reservations is acting as intermediary or a “Booking Agent” for products and services that are not directly supplied by us (e.g., air carriage and ground transportation, hotel accommodations, meals, tours, trains, coaches, cruises, etc.). We are not a co-vendor of such products and services.

We sell a variety of travel related products from different suppliers and service providers (“Suppliers”). Each Supplier has its own terms and conditions that are applicable to your particular arrangements in addition to our general terms and conditions, and you should make sure you understand them. Certain software and content found on our web site are owned or licensed by us or our Suppliers, your use of which may be subject to further conditions. We have created and own much of the information you will find on the web site; other information is obtained from the air carriers, as well as other third party providers, each of whom own their respective content.

We will use commercially reasonable efforts to make sure that all information on the web site is as complete and accurate as possible. We will protect all personally identifiable information that you provide to us in compliance with our Privacy Policy. We will use commercially reasonable efforts to prevent viruses from entering the web site or coming from it, but we cannot insure that the web site will at all times be virus free.

This web site is for use by members of the public only to make travel bookings. Worldwide Hotel Reservations grants you the personal right to access and use the web site in order for you to plan, book and purchase travel services and to use the information provided in connection with the planning of your personal travel. Except for this limited license, you are not granted any other rights or license with respect to this web site; we and our third party providers reserve any rights not expressly granted. You may not use the web site to provide commercial or travel agency services to third parties or travel agents acting on behalf of members of the public. Any bookings made in contravention of this rule will be cancelled and a refund will be given, although we reserve the right to deduct an administration fee from any such refund. We reserve the right to deny access to the Web Site at any time without notice.

What we are NOT responsible for:

The information, products and services on this web site are provided “AS IS”. Worldwide Hotel Reservations and its providers expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, non-infringement, and security and accuracy, as well as all warranties arising by usage of trade, course of dealing, or course of performance. Worldwide Hotel Reservations makes no warranty, and expressly disclaims any obligation, that: (a) the web site will meet your requirements or will be available on an uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free basis; (b) the content will be up-to-date, complete, comprehensive, accurate or applicable to your circumstances; (c) the results that may be obtained from the use of the web site or any services offered through the site will be accurate or reliable; or (d) the quality of any products, services, information, or other material obtained by you through the web site will meet your expectations.

Limits on our liability to you:

Worldwide Hotel Reservations (together with our officers, directors, employees, representatives, owners and providers) will not be responsible or liable for (a) any damages to or viruses that may infect your computer equipment or other property as the result of your access to the web site or your downloading of any content from the web site or (b) any injury, death, loss, claim, act of god, accident, delay, or any direct, special, exemplary, punitive, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind (including without limitation lost profits or lost savings), whether based in contract, tort, strict liability or otherwise, that arise out of or is in any way connected with (i) any use of the web site or content, (ii) any failure or delay (including without limitation the use of or inability to use any component of this web site for reservations or ticketing), or (iii) the performance or non- performance by Worldwide Hotel Reservations or any provider, even if we have been advised of the possibility of damages to such parties or any other party. Some states do not allow the limitation of liability, so the limitations above may not apply to you.

Third Party Advertising/Websites

The advertisements appearing on the Worldwide hotel reservations web site are delivered to you, on our behalf, by our web site advertising partner. Information about your visit to this site, such as number of times you viewed an ad, is used to serve the advertisers. Please note that your name, address, or any other personal information is never shared with the third-party advertisers. Only you can provide them with your personal information.

When you click through to a third party website, our Privacy Policy no longer applies. We encourage you to carefully read the Privacy Policies of these other websites. Worldwide hotel reservations does not control any cookies or other features that third parties may use. The information,practices of these advertisers are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Please be aware that these third parties may also contact you to obtain additional information to fulfill your travel reservation.

Governing Law:

The services we offer are governed by the laws of Kuwait, and the federal laws of Kuwait applicable in Kuwait. No warranties and/or representations of any kind, express or implied, are given as to the compliance of the information shown on the Web Site or the services we offer with any laws of any other country, and the laws of other countries will not apply to the Web Site or to the services we offer.

Access to this Web Site is conditional on your agreement that all information contained in it and all matters that arise between you and us will be governed by the laws applicable in Kuwait City, Kuwait. It is also conditional on your agreement that any dispute that arises between you and us will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Kuwait, save that we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these terms and conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.

Your Agreement With Us

By using the Web Site, you represent and warrant to us that:

By booking your arrangement with us or using our web site, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement and any additional terms and conditions of any Supplier that is applicable to your booking, travel arrangements or use of any web site content. You agree on behalf of yourself and those you represent or another person using your login information to comply with all such terms and conditions, including the payment of all amounts due. You agree that any violation of any such terms and conditions may result in (a) the cancellation of your reservation or purchase, (b) your forfeiture of any monies paid for your reservation or purchase, (c) you being denied access to the applicable travel related product or service, and (d) our right to debit your account for any costs we incur as a result of such violation.

You represent and warrant that (a) you are of sufficient age to use our services and web site and can create binding legal obligations in connection with your use, (b) you are legally authorized to act on behalf of those you represent and accept these terms and conditions on their behalf, and (c) the information supplied by you or members of your group or another person using your login information is true and correct. You are responsible for informing such other persons of all terms and conditions applicable to their travel arrangements. You understand that you are financially responsible for any use of our services or web site by you and those using your name or account.

What you will indemnify us from:

You agree to defend and indemnify Worldwide Hotel Reservations and any of its providers, and each of their officers, directors, employees, owners and agents from and against any claim, cause of action or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, in any action filed or commenced by any third party against Worldwide Hotel Reservations as a result of (1) your breach of these Terms, (2) your violation of any law, regulation or the rights of a third party or (3) your use of the web site.

What you agree NOT to do:

You agree not to abuse the Web Site. “Abuse” includes, without limitation, using the Web Site and you agree that you will not do any of the following:

  • Defame, harass, stalk, threaten, abuse or otherwise violate others’ rights as defined by applicable law.

  • Harm or interfere with the operation of others’ computers and software in any respect, including, without limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting corrupt files or computer viruses.

  • Violate applicable intellectual property, publicity or privacy rights, including, without limitation, by uploading, downloading or transmitting materials or software.

  • Omit or misrepresent the origin of, or rights in, any file you download or upload, including, without limitation, by omitting proprietary language, author identifications, or notices of patent, copyright or trade-mark.

  • Transmit, post, or otherwise disclose trade secrets, or other confidential or protected proprietary material or information.

  • Download or upload files that are unlawful to distribute through the Web Site specifically harmful to minors in any way, contains nudity or pornographic material,

  • Interfere with or disrupt the Web Site or servers or networks connected to the Web Site, including attempting to interfere with the access of any other user, host or network, including without limitation, overloading, initiating, propagating, participating, directing or attempting any “denial of service” attacks, “spamming”, “crashing”, “flooding” or “mail-bombing” the Web Site.

  • Direct bots, spiders, crawlers, avatars, intelligent agents or any other automated process at Worldwide Hotel Reservations computer systems or otherwise, create unreasonable load upon any of Worldwide Hotel Reservations computer hardware, network, storage, input/output or electronic control devices or infrastructure.

  • Transmit any information or software obtained through the Web Site, or copy, create, display, distribute, license, perform, publish, recreate, reproduce, sell, or transfer works deriving from the Web Site.

  • Provide false or inaccurate information. Falsely use a password or personal identification number during logging into the Web Site, or misrepresent one’s identity or authority to act on behalf of another.

  • Violate this Agreement in any other manner.

Links to Third-Parties Web Sites

This web site may include links to other web sites or display information concerning products and services offered by third parties. Worldwide Hotel Reservations provides these links for your convenience and does not have any control or influence over these web sites. The existence of these links does not in any way imply, suggest, or constitute any affiliation between any such third party and Worldwide Hotel Reservations. You should refer to the separate terms of use, privacy policies, and other rules posted on the third parties’ web sites before you use them. Worldwide Hotel Reservations Display of specific options does not suggest a recommendation by Worldwide Hotel Reservationsof the third parties or their travel options. Your use of any third party’s web site or services accessed through the web site is at your own risk, and Worldwide Hotel Reservationswill have no liability with respect thereto.

Copyright and Trade-mark Notices

The copyright in the content of the Web Site belongs to us or to the licensors of such content. We reserve the copyright and all proprietary rights in the Web Site and all its content

This Web Site is for the your personal, non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, reproduce, publish, reverse-engineer, license, create derivative works from, transfer, or sell any information, software, products or services obtained from this Web Site. Worldwide Hotel Reservations, and any other product or trade names of Worldwide Hotel Reservations referred to on the Web Site are our trade-marks or registered trade-marks. Other product and company names mentioned on the Web Site may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

Web Site Bookings

We may change any aspect of the Web Site or its content, including the availability of any suppliers, features, information, or other content, at any time without notice. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of all information and prices but, regrettably, errors do occasionally occur. Where a price is obviously incorrect due to a system error, we shall not be bound by such price. The prices and any discounts shown on the Web Site are applicable to wwhr.net only and may vary from the prices offered for the same holidays by Worldwide Hotel Reservations retail shops or other related businesses.

All bookings made on the Web Site are subject to the relevant supplier’s/tour operator’s booking conditions in addition to these terms and conditions. We recommend that you print a copy of the applicable booking conditions when making a booking. Booking conditions contain limitations and exclusions of liability, and cancellation and amendment charges are payable if a booking is cancelled or amended after it has been confirmed.

Please remember not to give your booking reference to anyone who is not a member of your immediate household. You should take all necessary steps to ensure that your booking reference is kept confidential and secure.

Use of Credit Card

Please make sure that you have supplied us with the correct credit card billing information. If you do not supply the correct credit or debit card billing address and/or cardholder information, the issue of your tickets may be delayed and the overall cost may increase. We do reserve the right to cancel tickets after issue if payment is declined or if you have supplied incorrect credit card information. In addition, we also reserve the right to do random checks in order to minimize credit card fraud. As a result of this, before issuing tickets we may require you to provide us with a fax or postal copy of proof of address, as well as a copy of your credit card and a recent statement.


Your use of the site is subject to our Privacy Policy. By using our site you are agreeing that you have read our Privacy Policy and it is reasonable and acceptable to you. Your acceptance of these terms is also your consent to the information practices in our Privacy Policy.


We will take all reasonable measures to ensure information you transmit to us using the Web Site will remain confidential and protected from unauthorized access. Despite those measures, we do not warrant that unauthorized access to that information can never happen. We will not be liable for any such unauthorized access unless caused solely by our gross negligence, in which event you will be entitled to compensation up to a maximum of the value of the services purchased by you.

Security Information

To ensure secure online payment and all other transactions of personal data, the Web Site uses a technology called SSL (Secure Socket Layer). SSL encrypts all communications between your computer and our server so that the information can only be read and understood by us. Usually a closed lock on your browser window shows a secure connection. For further information, please consult your browser’s security specifications. If your browser is equipped with SSL your transaction will automatically be secured. The common standard in the Internet to signal a secure site is a closed lock at the bottom of the browser. As long as the lock is displayed closed your information is secure and encrypted to avoid abuse. If you click the secure transaction link and still cannot see the closed lock, the reason may be that the window is nested in another frame. To check that you have a secure connection (in Internet Explorer), click the right mouse button and properties, then certificates. Then you will see if the connection is secure or not. Another way (in Netscape Navigator) is to click the right mouse button and “view frame info” and at the bottom of the text you will see security information.


From time to time we may change or modify the terms, or impose new terms, including adding fees and charges for use. Such changes, modifications, additions, or deletions shall be effective immediately upon posting on the web site or by any means of notification by which you obtain actual knowledge thereof. Any use of the services after such posting or notice shall be deemed to constitute acceptance by you of such changes, modifications, additions or deletions.

If you object to any provision of these terms or any changes to these terms or become dissatisfied with the web site in any way, your only recourse is to immediately terminate use of the web site.

All contents of this web site are: Copyright © 2014 Worldwide Hotel Reservations ,All rights reserved. Worldwide Hotel Reservations is not responsible for content on external web sites. Worldwide Hotel Reservations and the Worldwide Hotel Reservations logos are registered trademarks of Worldwide Hotel Reservations Co. WLL in Kuwait. Other logos and company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

We encourage you to share your comments and questions with us. Please remember that you are responsible for whatever material you submit, including its reliability, originality, and copyright. Please do not reveal trade secrets or other confidential information in your messages. Any and all rights to materials submitted to us become the exclusive property of Worldwide Hotel Reservations.

Thank you visiting Worldwide Hotel Reservations. Please review our Terms and Conditions of Use carefully before using or obtaining any content, products, or services through our web site. Access and use of our web site is subject to acceptance of The Terms and Conditions . By accessing and using this site or any of its services, you are agreeing to all the terms, conditions, and notices in this site.

Changes to These User Conditions:

The user conditions of this web site may be subject to change. Worldwide Hotel Reservations.advises you to check these pages regularly.


Worldwide Hotel Reservations.will not be liable for any damages arising out of or related to the use of, the inability to use, or the use of this web site or a linked web site as a starting point.

We make every effort to ensure the construction and operation of this web site. All special offers on this web site are free of obligations and no rights can be derived from these special offers.

Additional restrictive conditions of the service provider concerned may apply to all special offers on this web site. WWHR will neither accept liability in the event that this information is missing, is incorrect or incomplete, nor if special offers on this web site contain incorrect or incomplete information.

The information on this web site is no expansion or adjustment of a possible contractual relation with the user, unless there is specific reference to this information on this web site in the user’s agreement.

Worldwide Hotel Reservations.reserves the right to deny the user access to the information on this web site.

Data Protection “Cookies”:

Worldwide Hotel Reservationsmay need certain personal details from you. These details will not be disclosed to third parties, unless required by law or the judicial authorities.

This web site uses so-called “Cookies” in order to record Internet usage information. A cookie is a text file that can be sent to the user’s computer via this web site, after which it can be stored on the user’s computer. These cookies serve to help users find the requested information and to tailor each visit to this web site to individual preferences. A user can choose not to accept the storage of cookies on his/her computer by setting the used Internet software accordingly. As a consequence the user may not have access to some pages on this web site.

User’s Profile:

The user has the opportunity to create a profile on this web site. The profile enables the user to easily order products and services via this web site. The user indemnifies Worldwide Hotel Reservationsexpressly against liability for damages, of any kind, which arise out of the authorized or unauthorized use of your username and password on this web site.

User’s Response

Worldwide Hotel Reservationsis in no way obliged to check the information sent to us via this web site. The user warrants that all information and electronic attachments of this information, including email messages, will not breach the intellectual property rights or any other applicable law. By sending information, including electronic attachments (if any), you authorize Worldwide Hotel Reservationsirrevocably and unrestrictedly to use, process, illustrate, adjust and send such information and electronic attachments. Worldwide Hotel Reservationsreserves the right to use such information and electronic attachments in any desirable way.

International Travel:

While most travel, including travel to international destinations, is completed without incident, travel to certain destinations may involve greater risks than others. We encourage you to review and evaluate travel advisories, prohibitions, and warnings, issued by the government and the aviation administration before booking travel to any international destinations.

By offering for sale travel to international destinations, Worldwide Hotel Reservationsdoes not represent or warrant that travel to such locations is advisable or without risk. Worldwide Hotel Reservations does not accept liability for any damages, losses, or delays that occur due to the traveler having improper documents for entry, exit, length of stay, or from travel to such destinations.


Worldwide Hotel Reservationsmay charge a fee for the service provided when you book, and/or modify travel services through the site. Any such service fee is non-refundable. In addition, you will be responsible for all charges, fees, duties, taxes, and assessment arising out of your use of the products and services available from the site.

Deposits and Payment

Any deposits from you are non-refundable. Payment of a deposit enables us to hold a reservation for you but does not guarantee the price. The price can only be guaranteed once we receive full payment and other travel documents have been issued, subject to any terms and conditions of the Supplier. We will advise you of the date that full payment is required. Upon your provision of your payment information, you are authorizing us to make the payment arrangements with the corresponding Suppliers. We reserve the right to refuse personal checks as a method of payment. After full payment, the conditions of the contract with the Supplier may permit them to increase the cost of your arrangements. We will pass on any such increase to you as we become aware of such increase. If we have arranged a package, changes in transportation costs including the cost of fuel, taxes, fees and exchange rates mean that the price of your travel arrangements may change after you have paid in full.


Our general practice is to send documents to our customers electronically whenever possible. We reserve the right to charge an administration fee should you make a request for such documents to be sent as a hard copy.

Cancellations and Changes

YYour contract with the Suppliers may allow them to cancel or amend bookings. If we are your Booking Agent, we will ensure that you are promptly notified of any significant change once we become aware of such change if there is time before your departure, but we accept no liability for any changes or costs incurred that may result. Subject to the Supplier’s terms and conditions, you will then have the choice of accepting the change of arrangements, accepting an offer of alternative travel arrangements if one is made available by the Supplier, or cancelling your booked arrangements and receiving any applicable refunds. We do not guarantee that any refunds will apply.

If you have booked a flight and we are alerted to a significant schedule change by your airline before you travel, we will contact you by email to advise you of this. Please ensure that you have given your contact email address to us and that you regularly check for messages before you leave for your travel. We have no control over airline schedule changes and accept no liability for costs which may arise as a result of such changes.

After you have left Kuwait, it is your responsibility to check with the airline that any onward flights you have confirmed are operating as booked.

If You Change Your Booking

Where a change requested by you to your travel arrangements is permitted and possible, our standard service fees will apply in addition to any additional Supplier charges. Please contact your original booking agent to inquire about changes or review the ‘FAQ’ section of www.wwhr.net for details of how to request changes. Please note that all reservation changes are subject to availability and the terms and conditions of the product purchased. Changes to name details are not allowed by many airlines and other Suppliers. While we will endeavour to make such a change if necessary, please bear in mind that airlines and Suppliers treat a name change as a cancellation, to which standard conditions and charges would apply.

Flights must be taken in the sequence they appear on your ticket or eticket confirmation. If you plan not to take a flight as booked, please contact the airline as far in advance as possible to discuss your options. If you do not check in on time for a confirmed reservation, the airline may register you as a “no-show”, which could result in extra charges and/or your whole flight itinerary being cancelled and/or render your ticket void.

If You Cancel Your Booking

If you cancel your arrangements, you may be entitled to a partial refund or Nil refund depending on the services purchased and its conditions. In addition to the cancellation terms and conditions of your Supplier(s), our standard fees will apply as may be outlined on your receipt or booking confirmation. We need to receive from you your original voucher/documents before any applicable refund can be considered. If you decide to cancel arrangements before the balance due date, any deposits paid are non-refundable.

Refunds will only be paid to you once we have received the funds back from the Supplier(s). Generally flight tickets cannot be refunded if they are partially used. We are not responsible for a Supplier’s failure to pay a refund.

If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your travel insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim your cancellation charges through your insurer.

An important note regarding air tickets

Air carriers may be required to make available to the public the terms of their contract of carriage. The circumvention of an air carrier’s rules, including practices such as back-to-back ticketing (purchasing two or more tickets with overlapping travel dates in order to circumvent minimum stay requirements) and hidden-city ticketing (purchasing tickets including segments which the purchaser does not intend to use in order to circumvent an air carrier’s pricing structure), is prohibited by many air carriers. The use of prohibited ticketing practices may result in the air carrier taking actions including the cancellation of the ticket, denied boarding, revocation of frequent flier miles and other benefits, additional charges to the purchaser’s credit card, additional charges collected at the airport, or future invoicing. You are responsible for ensuring that your purchases abide by the terms or conditions of purchase imposed by any third party with whom you elect to deal, including terms or condition of purchase set forth in an air carrier’s fare rules or contract of IATA carriage

All airline tickets are subject to supplemental price increases that may be imposed after the date of purchase. Post-purchase price increases may be applied due to additional costs imposed by a supplier or government. You may be charged additional sums by Worldwide Hotel Reservationsto offset increased fees, fuel surcharges, taxes, and fluctuations in foreign exchange markets or any combination thereof. Acceptance of these terms and conditions hereby consent you to any post-purchase price increases and authorize Worldwide Hotel Reservationsto charge your credit card for such additional amounts.

If you arrive at an airline office or at the check-in counter at the airport with your confirmed ticket and find that the airline shows no reservation for you – do not leave the counter. Check your ticket. If the status box shows “OK” for the flight in question, the airline policies typically require them to accommodate you on that flight, or if that is not possible, they must either find you a substitute flight or pay you denied boarding compensation. If necessary ask to speak to a supervisor.

Travel Documents and Destinations

It is your responsibility to ensure that all of the details on your travel documents are correct and to bring to our attention any errors or discrepancies immediately. Your travel documents are valuable and should be safeguarded as if they were cash. It is not always possible to replace travel documents in the case of loss, theft, damage, etc.

Prior to booking international travel, we recommend that you review any Kuwait Government’s prohibitions, warnings and advisories applicable to your destinations. By offering travel to any particular destination, we do not represent that travel in such destination is safe or without risk.

You further agree that in connection with your activities, you will not permit the use of our services or web site by anyone that resides or is staying in a country for which such use is prohibited under Kuwait regulations.

Passport, Visa and Immigration Requirements

It is your responsibility to fulfill the passport, visa and other immigration requirements applicable to your itinerary. You should confirm these with the relevant embassies and/or consulates. We do not accept any responsibility in the case of you being unable to travel due to not complying with any such requirements.

Please ensure you have a passport valid for the duration of your trip. (Some destinations require your passport be valid for a certain length of time; in general, 6 months after completion of travel). You may also be required to obtain a visa for some destinations and it is your responsibility to do so.

When making a booking you must ensure that your name (and the name of any person(s) for whom you are making a booking) matches exactly the name as it appears in your passport or in the passport of the person for whom you are making the booking.

If you require any further information on passport or visa requirements, please contact the embassy of the country to which you will be traveling.

A failure to travel with the correct documentation could result in the passenger being refused travel, entry to the country of their destination or stop-over, deportation or incarceration and in such circumstance(s) you will be solely responsible for any cost, loss or damage which you or we (or the suppliers) incur.

Airport Taxes

Some airports will levy an airport departure tax, which is payable by passengers at the airport locally. Information on these charges is not given through our quoted fares and is your sole responsibility.

Health/Insurance Requirements

Immunization may be recommended or required for your destination or stopover points – please check this with a physician. We recommend the purchase of adequate travel insurance for all overseas travel.

Travel insurance is a vital part of your arrangements. We strongly recommend that you have taken out adequate insurance for the duration of your journey. Travel insurance is a mandatory element of some travel arrangements. We may be able to arrange travel insurance to be provided to you, furnish you a quote, and answer any queries you may have regarding the insurance.

Vaccinations may be required for some or all of the places you are intending to visit. It is your responsibility to ensure that you have arranged all necessary vaccinations for your itinerary.

If You Have a Complaint

If you have a problem during your travel, please inform the relevant Supplier (e.g. your hotel) immediately. Should they be unable to resolve the matter, please immediately contact us in Kuwait, either through the office where you made your arrangements, or through www.wwhr.netIf you fail to timely contact us, we will not be permitted the opportunity to investigate your complaint and attempt to rectify any error while you are away, and this may affect your rights under this Agreement.

Web site Contact

Online bookingsIf you have a query regarding your online booking or encountered any problems whilst making your booking, please submit an online booking query form.

Non-booking related queriesIf you experience any technical problems during your interaction with this web site, please contact us by email at online1@wwhr.net for assistance.